Tuesday, July 21, 2009
First Response Slight Second Line
So, the last stage has begun in France since a few days and today I have for once devote a little more time to tell me my memoirs ... The kids today are on the move, which I unfortunately can not do with. The second day I've done it over again bend directly at the football games yesterday and could not join in the pirate game, which has more than annoyed! Today I was walking then given, as I always do a few formalities must, shopping and I will ever equal my (Lars) be'll prepare aircraft project.
Yes, to all parents, I have not yet managed to motivate your kids so that they Leave on holiday want something, hehe, but it's all good so far, it is still not beaten over the traces and it still all live!
The time when Lars is also passed in a flash ... Swimming pool, beer and injuries, was the last day or I had extremely calm before the storm that is raging here, hopefully not ...
So far we have not had a great trip, but Paris is getting closer ... let's see how I am instead of a sprinter in town from Paris ... are reports of it later, hehe As I said, today is a short hike of about 6 km one way that runs through the hip and the beautiful beach of Merlimont until to Le Touquet, not like last time, Berck. Until dinner time Franck and I prepare everything here and then all come back again. For lunch, there are now packed lunch for the road. Otherwise, the food here is not as good as two years ago ... a highly also the cook, who now works in a 4 star hotel ... but very delicious, at least for the most!
The weather has been doing from day to day and now it will even 27 degree heat, we'll see ... Sunscreen, water, and what else is one to become compulsory since yesterday ...
my foot goes after the football game and again almost good, the funny bisauf discoloration and pulling, what is sometimes noticeable, but I think the pirate game next week but will take time and play as a target because it is not without ... How awful it is when you sit at a game like this next must watch and must be taken as one by one caught my eyes ...
Well, yesterday we had a casino night à la pirates and it was pretty funny ... I was méchant the Pirate, who has tried totally drunk the Poles, Germans and French, the Blackjack has tried to explain ... at least every second smelled in my cup and my carafe, and wondered why I was so by the wind, because only water was in there ... afterwards I had a bunch of Poland to my Table assembled, and it has once again confirmed a prejudice ... I have the chips to play right next to me and put down after they were almost always gone ... well, maybe the water was still not quite that good, ... until this week when I'm sitting in a house must remain whether the Krüppelbonusses!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Cocktail Waitress At Strip Club Jobs In Dc
Hey people ... after a few turbulent days, I'm back again ... still in France, still in a good mood, and almost unscathed ... I walk to the time around on crutches and write once again on a French keyboard, so forgive me this style of writing ...
What happened?
After a sad farewell from Taize went to Blois, where I did the first part of my BAFA training, a French supervisor ticket. It was very cool ... We were about 20 French and German, who had almost all pretty good in both languages on it. However, the days were very hard, because we each have begun clock tomorrow evening at 9 and finish at 22h were ... then it was still delicious tasting liquid and then it was quite "early" to bed ... as it is always so, the fatigue and paid to tribute to one of our basketball games I've bent over me, my right foot and went to the hospital and walk around on crutches since in France, class ... but it could be worse! As example for
Lars ... has opened to me the last few days that he is not after Merlimont because he has found another Arts, where he is then also paid for an exception, because the Lord is a mess again in Bruay! Yes, the remaining days in Blois was pretty cool ... The departure from there, however, was also a little sad, because you have once again made friends and got on well ... well, I have to do here, once again concluded there waiting for the children, Caroline, as we are with Lars at home and do not have the Internet at a friend ...
So, until the dates and other fun experiences ...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Non Prescription Alternatives To Adderall
It's so far: the continuing detention facility, which every morning and completely inexplicable mess in my room, the ongoing dispute with Mom - I moved!
Unfortunately I had to leave my chemistry set at home, but practical as I got from a dear brokers already own a nice house in the district of Maseru Slamm mediated. If you want to see again:

own home, I call it Villa Hyhnerbain, is not exactly cheap, so I need to shell out $ 5,000 a month, but this is the Internet included in rent. And since I get to the house a 28-Kbps modem , I flitze now like the devil through the Internet. I am totally amazed at how quickly build up the sides suddenly!
I also have discovered today morning with my morning gym behind the house a great pit. She was filled with, um, interesting-smelling mass, which the broker described to me as a French demand to sewage sludge. Since I have first laughed up his sleeve that this stupid guy did not know what he has let me for a gold mine, I can open up with the sewage sludge is a formidable and Sparta spa bath. For I have just recently read in a magazine on recycled paper containers, such as popular Baths are today. And with the sewage sludge, which indeed in name certainly very helpful for cleaning up and clarifying the skin is, I can now offer highly effective mud in my practice. Since it is also involved French mud, I can still start an extra charge, after all, are French fragrance lotions in the world known and popular.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Can You Pop Your Cherry From A Strong Shower
My friends, I am appalled! A few days ago Mama makes her weekly check in my locker room youth. Suddenly she screams, snatched from me, she said, a pornographic magazine picture keeps under his nose and yells something about "Pinnupp-bitches" who had taken up residence in my closet.
I do not know how things go, but I was totally surprised. Again, I knew of nothing happening here, just recently, just very strange things! Every morning, for example, is open my window, although I now have dinner with a chair barricade. And the chaos I had already told you.
When Pinnupp-bitch (which is actually Pinnupp; knows someone?) Were also two strange leather cloth. About as long as my legs and about as wide, that I determined in each case could have a leg wrap. As a mom, she moved out of the closet, but I could also see that they are about where the knee would be if you just want to wrap themselves around the legs really were totally frayed.
My dear friends! Neither do I know where does this indecent stuff, even what you do with it! I swear by all that I love!
Mama was certainly pissed. She took a shoe box and put inside my wireless there. Then she locked me and gave me only Russian mouth. Therefore I could not surf a few days.
This is the incriminating image. I've never seen it before, I swear by the branches of my yucca palm tree!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Free Nvidia G Force 6510 Se
The pictures are showing our self-made grass shade where we conduct our church services. Our church is in Lilongwe the Capital City of Malawi and it is in Mchesi Township. It is a proposed land to build our church conference center here in Malawi.
We do struggle with tropical rains and sun light. Even after we make great crusades, we have no covered place for the assembly.
Please: Any donation you can make will help us build the church.
May God bless you.
Apostle Peter Simbi and the Miracle Church of God-assembly!
Direct contact for questions: apostlesimbi@yahoo.com
The photos show our home-made grass under the sun, we hold church services. Our church is in Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi and the district is called Mchesi.Das land was for us to build a church conference center here in Malawi made available.
We fight with tropical rains and sunlight. Even after major campaigns we have undertaken, we still have no safe space for the community. Our request: Any donation, can you make helps us to build this church.
God bless you.
Apostle Peter Simbi and the Miracle Church of God-assembly!
Direct contact for inquiries: apostlesimbi@yahoo.com
Apostle Simbi
Swift - Code NBMAMWMW
National Bank of Malawi, City Centre Branch
Account Name: Miracle Church of God
Account Number: 0133540708700