How much wealth from trade, of course, the slave trade through Africa in Hamburg - it is incredible dimensions. And today - ages later - Hamburg has developed the most popular African city in Germany.
"The history of Afro-Asian migrants in Germany with the cities of Berlin and Hamburg closely. Africans we met in Berlin in the 17th century as Hofdi, musicians and soldiers of the Prussian state. Jancke The Prince of the Gold Coast ( Ghana) visited already in 1684 the Elector Friedrich Wilhelm and the famous Wilhelm Amo, also from the Gold Coast, graduated 1729 in Berlin, "On the Rights of the Moors in Africa."
The diplomats, businessmen and students of Africa and Asia came to the end of the fifties, with vessels of this line to Germany and then one spoke of Hamburg as the "Gateway to the World." Source: AFRICAN AND ASIAN IN HAMBURG by A. Khaliq Kaifi
The next meeting of the historic African exchanges will be revealed on next Friday, 25.09.2009 instead. contact you get on the Hamburg Academy of Mission, Rev. Sabine Förster
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