to Pastor is Kabarata Tel :00255-755 63 87 92. Learn how you can support the church working with small and large donations. If you want to leave the church immediately make a donation, please see this article, the donation account. You can also now "online" donation. All other fundraising opportunities can be found right in the menu under s-plan world projects.

donations to the Church Mkwese course, are not tax deductible - it is a purely religious donation from the heart.
you can be sure that your donation is put to good use: there is no great Seal of Approval for social institutions and of course the village church in Mkwese not a member of a highly doped Spendenrat, but it is transferred directly. You can also visit the village.
Directions: If you land in Dar es Salaam, you fly straight to and from there to Dodoma Manyoni. By Manyoni you have to go best with the car (about 14 km to Mkwese).
it lands on Kilimanyaro International Airport, one can take from there also Anschlssflug to Singida. From there, you have to turn in direction with Manyoni and from where it can go towards Mkwese.
For questions, please call Pastor Kabarata. Everyone is welcome.
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