First, our Balkonpflanzenpötte reviewed, "Are the new?" "No, we have only made clean!" "Very good!" For in the final plant pot I had not even unpacked * gg * "Did you Christmas decoration at the Dekosachen" "Yes, in case 5 and 6 also Christmas is," "There are pine cones or other plant stuff?" "No, we have it all sorted out "" Great then I just have to see the vacuum cleaner "Well that is just shown quickly in the vacuum cleaner bag is not in it and then he's gone again! And I wanted to ask him even if I must pay something for the control. Well it is already report * g *
All in all, everything went really well with our move to NZ, if not now, nor is a subsequent fee because the container too long we had in fitting all is well!
Oh yes, Claudia and I could make it a good half of the I have boxes to unpack, after all, has all the cabinets (yes even Claudis cabinet) and tables set up alone, but no Claudi has decided to stay with one to three hours decided to write journal just so you know, sometimes, what a resource for the Claudi (and nervous for me) is so long to write texts * gg * but I am tolerant * cough *!
So to my video, the beer test video was probably encoded wrong, anyway google video to do anything * sigh * I'll like it or not make another one, which is now much easier, however, * the couch g from *! In addition, there will now finally a workshop video, even if my colleagues are less than enthusiastic * gg * I'll still have to get in front of the lens before they run away!
Ok that's about it first from me again, I am not now as the great writer! Wish you all good and then to beer or video shop video, maybe both!
Greetings, Stefan
PS: I am a beer just remembered that one of our neighbors here drinking Krombacher, that's even a German brand with which I will come to like me, I will lay me because look at the tepid and try to to ask the shop where it could be!
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