First, a little something to the company, we are authorized repair shop for Peugeot, Citroen and Chrysler, that's the biggest disaster schonmal and many are wondering now whether I've always lied when I gasagt the work I do Fun. * Gg * So no I have not lied, but I'd probably be better than just using these vehicles totunglücklich * gg *, we have since, thank God, still plenty of other customers, with Mercedes, BMW and Volkswagen, and since I was a specialist in these brands have, at least, the same times as each customer tells * gg * I think I'm still good at distance to the French vehicles
:-) So now you can to the people in the video its my two colleagues Tim and Mechanics see Steve and of course our boss Peter! In addition, there Mrs Peter, most comes to lunch in the company and his daughter Livi (is a nickname, all I could not remember names to me). Our office lady Kay is unfortunately not there because she was operated on Tuesday at the shoulder and probably will not work for extended periods may first!
So now you can watch the video look at times yes and sorry again for my non-flowing and in addition monotone commentary * gg * I do not want to read the comments, here is the easy times hushed, understand? Oh man, now writes determined before each goes with, well, never mind then there is just no other videos more,-P
Or do I load times up the farewell video from the airport, because on it since you namely:-P
So what I can usually tell you so, I was the last evenings all alone here at home and have since also again tried my sleep schedule up from 24 at 7:15 Clock to convert, on Tuesday there was also the same time standing up in front of the phone ringing * gg * but was indeed a good news! Otherwise, I have the changing quite well liked, even if that is not well continue, since Claudi always dolle is tired and get up also at least 2 hours in front of real Getting up so that they have enough time, the time re-crush * gg * Oh yes, I then, while there are still remains, but sleep does not work more mean!
Sun remains otherwise might be telling us that the I have bought a new monitor, and that because my monitor has survived the trip is not really, as seems applied magnetic influence on anything to have him, so that I could be glad about the last days of a very colorful picture of the new monitor :-) Ok then now is a nice 24 "LCD on which I can start again soon, even with poker .
So that was then now I think everything Claudi will certainly sit down and weekend times and 4-5 hours to write a blog entry of their travel * gg * but hey, some things just have to accept as they I have Grandad
Greetings, Stefan
Here's the video!!
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