Today you shall but once again get a small report! So what has been done so? Last weekend were to be Felix of MK and towed to a walkway, it was really in, walked up and down and up and down and in the end the whole thing back again! Was pretty anstrenged if you ask me but we have yet again made some nice pictures that we will sooner or later, of course, put back here in the blog! At the end of the tour there was still blueberry muffins chocolate by Felix and Mark * gg * as compensation! So that was really a beautiful day!
man then I do something funny happened on Friday, as two recent figures we stumble through the back door of the shop and start something in very bad English of oxygen sensor, you know? to stammer * gg * I told them then they can also speak German like :-) and what she enjoys the same have used! Well, after much back and forth to her, the problem not as bad as men's issued since it has probably located only in the wrong fuel type! Namely 91 instead of 95/96 octane.
Yes here in NZ we are still unendschieden on 95/96 octane and thus are found at some gas stations and at other blogs that! How beautiful it was with the European superstate as standart * sigh * Yes it's the little things you miss it then, and perhaps the fine highways, where you can also go faster than 100km / h * gg *
Well , I have the day time with Steve talking about the Kiwis are a bit limited really, they make the trends from the USA + Australia Just me and ill buy much much rather have a big V8 instead of once a somewhat more economical 4 cylinder, even though here in NZ, the main driving around on the (inner) city limits, and it has no endless highways as used in the two countries! But never mind, we can look forward then schonmal when the old Jeep so-40 liter V8 to 100 km to a newer umsteigt with Mercedes engine, then only 20 liters consumed in city traffic! And I would get by me even worse than the 10 liters of our car, which is determined in DE with 8!
Well so much time to what is theme here * gg * Oh yes, the increasing fuel prices are through the many gas-guzzlers here of course much worse than in U.S. I had to let me say, when I replied then that you would with a cheap 4 cylinder in NZ only half the fuel costs in contrast to DE has been rather silent again * gg *! I like the Kiwis, which never come to self-doubt!
Oh, what occurs to me there's just the Kiwis are very very very nationalistic, and if you come from a country where the kind of times is not so, it comes from an already very bad when wild in its advertising NZ only advertised products is to buy naja and a few other things that come to mind now, but not straight!
this is the best but that most products are just repackaged! So beautiful SKF ball bearings from Sweden is in NZ packed in a new box and "Made in NZ" Sold! Unpacking, ie 1 Katon cardboard NZ Open, then remove original SKF, SKF then openable box and the ball bearings found! They are the people here that make them think that their countries support! This act is not an isolated case, almost all products from German manufacturers such as Hella come here in "Made in NZ 'boxes for the end customer :-)
Nagut it was first with the slander of the Kiwis * gg * basically they know It just does not even better, is maybe also the fact that one leaves the school early to work at Pizza Hut * gg *
Here is a fine Video for you:
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Even at the last video the download links are now added!
Greetings, Stefan
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