Last weekend we wanted to really sleep a loose and have gone bowling. Before we were eating at an Italian restaurant - run by a German. The menu there was quite clear and therefore prices rather salted. The
Reservation bowling was again so I act like I say for 8:30 please. - At 7 we have something free. - No, unfortunately not fit, we want to go before dinner. - Half 8? - No, it also does not work. - Maybe at 8? - No, that would be too tight, 8:30 would be good. - Half-9 would you prefer then? - Jahaaa! - How many games do you want? - No idea, so many it up is no fun anymore. 2-3 maybe. - OK.
Well, blew first arrived there in front of the entrance, a dry bush across the street. Since we had apparently still fortunate that we had received the shock still ne-free path, which. On a train was Kegelopi the first snail how Bowlt properly, which then squealed wildly every time when the ball arrived and rear. Later, the Kegelopi have dared (which had its own flame bowling ball!) and its Rocker aunts who all seem to belong to the store, then even a mild boredom games. Hui, so there really stitched the bear! I would also strongly advise everyone to pre-order on NEM Saturday night there - sometimes you have to count but that, just get up 7 something. Then today we have
holiday. Ha-haaa! Who knows what is celebrated today hm hm hm? That's right - "The Queen's Official Birthday (Sometimes known as "the Queen's Birthday" - [! Editor's note: A Village simplification]) is celebrated as a public holiday in several Commonwealth countries. The exact date of the celebration varies from country to country, and it does not usually mark the real birthday of the sovereign (Queen Elizabeth II was born on 21 April 1926). In New Zealand, the holiday is the first Monday in June and usually serves as the opening weekend to the country's ski season. "Toll, ne? The celebration, I like to ...
So, just to let Sülz little update from me. Sorry that we now write less frequently. Probably have to pull together once again and will soon go a bissl more for the best. Will try - So check back regularly purely to miss anything! ;)
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