Well but there are other things happened, as you know safe (or not) are currently * the world championships of poker in progress * gg And there was a young German quite Large cleared, he was in fact the title in the Seven Card Stud Hi-Low Split back 8 or better and the heads up against one of the truly great poker player * gg * Well, the happy means Sebastian Ruthenberg, and in 2005 his poker career with 5 $ and today plays the biggest tournaments online! He is now one of the top 10 of the German Tunierspielern! Well I wanted nurmal tell, although it probably hardly any of you interested in * ggg *
So then the interesting part of my post * g * I was in fact this is the first time in my golfing life! Yes golf really not just a mini golf course, here also called affectionately putput golf * gg *
So how did it happen, the local association of auto repair shops and suppliers are held once a year a golf tournament, set in which each workshop, a team must , since Tim has raved about it properly then we started, more precisely, Tim, his brother and I, as Peter had to be there on the birthday of his daughter and Steve is still in England and enjoy the nice weather! So
I am an absolute beginner, I mean I had never been a golf club in hand, had already somehow then pretty jitters before the first shock! God was thanks to the team before us, a beginner, but even then had the same hit the ball, although only a few yards was wide, but still * sigh * So I was tuned, and even before Dave (brother in law ) and Tim! 1-2 swing time trial, a couple caught up tips and schwwwwwuuuuffffffff tong was the ball and the alternating even quite far! I have first enjoyed as a lark, Dave and Tim laughed properly because they have expected anything else yes but not I land a 100% transparent hit! Oh now I must then do it again a brief excursion into the rules to make this tournament before I can tell you more!
rules: Each team is allowed a tee the ball and then at the best ball back into play, however, must not one where the ball is hit, but only the other members! Example: Dave, Tim and I hit the ball from the T, Dave has shot the good races, must now Tim and I from the landing point of Dave's next hit ball, but Dave, who has made previous proposal! Then, when my ball is at best, only Dave and Tim to continue playing from the landing point of my ball and I do not!
but once you're reached the green, should all try their luck from the team, no matter who was beaten in front of the ball!
Well in any case equal to three was the 2nd ball from me the best of us and I was able to suspend proposals * gg * After a few more good then but for now it was over with my beginner's luck and I have cut neatly in the air! added only when it then started to rain cats and dogs and I ran quickly to T and have beaten only a short rehearsal chair the ball off the tee the spell was broken * gg * and my team-mates properly laugh at, because I had the previous 10 proposals problems had to take the ball at all! Well then I will have succeeded better than a few super discounts, only when I have to putt failed to last mercilessly! This requires I also say that both of my players have putted very well and I had so few opportunities since added auchmal get something!
Well it was definitely a great atmosphere on the pitch, despite the onset of constant rain and a very, very hilly terrain! Not least because a quad was involved in properly, which each team has always provided generous with sausages and beer! * Gg * So this kind of golf I really like and I'm sure the next time it again!
Even after the 18 holes was still great atmosphere in the clubhouse, a lot of beer has gone and of course there was an awards ceremony will be at least 16 11ter become what According to Tim one of the best placements of water street motors in such tournaments * gg * is the last time is Peter that is asleep at some point on the road and Steve had problems properly hit the ball * gg * I am looking forward to when the two next time are attending!
Ok, now I'm also, alas I can not comment properly, which was the last male already pretty sparse!
Greetings, Stefan
PS: BTW, we have ne request, if we let ourselves do not even accompanied by a camera team so 2-3 days would then be broadcast on Vox! But after my bad experience with the newspaper article, I think we Better not do that * *