So yesterday I did the first time at the monthly meeting WINGS (Women's International Newcomers Group Social - Happy Donkey Tours reported on 28.3) participated.. First, newcomers had to fill out a form. Among other things there was asked about his interests. Hmmm. So computers, video games, poker ... no, better not - then I would definitely win any friends in this group. Well then stop ... uh bake (I do that even really like), read (* cough *), dup Tues what you have ... by hand - no, that would go too far. Then I got even more so nen red "Hello, my name is ..." stickers, pressed into his hand and took place in the gay circle.
Then play was snappy. For a long time Performances there was not - everyone's name and the country where he comes from - were recognized for 10 minutes, the time stopped (no joke). Well, it went off the X from Canada, the Netherlands from y, z from Germany ... and of course the esteemed ladies from California A and B from Montäääna. That pleased me. Not everyone Geolehrer could confirm that this is negotiated by countries, but fortunately, the listeners from other countries were worldly enough to be able to imagine the rest. I then presented with "Claudia from Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, formerly from. A lady [thinks]: "Groan, where please? Probably such a third world country ... "(not the first time that an American would have thought Germany would be in Africa.) probably would be the only reasonable" country "label Europe have been ... I love
prejudices and stereotypes, based on facts base = D
The evening has to be me at any rate not fallen. It was about massage, make-up, map reading, coffee drinking, women groups, beauty day books. Constrained conversation with the person sitting next included. Ate pizza for dinner with a dose of garlic (I) -> lucky again * gg * Well do not know the women were nice to me not really, especially not the word leader (Mrs. Montääna). Two German were there - a still relatively fresh and the other has been living here 4 years. Since then was basically complaining the most about the kiwis and how much of this is funny anyway. Well, German have in New Zealand somehow the same starting point and are therefore easily into conversation, but that is probably not necessarily mean that you otherwise has much in common ...: /
Well, can say: Been there, done that ... (Not gonna do it again) It's getting corny. Would want to hear your views (reasonable) tips to get to know how to (reasonable) people. Unfortunately, yes isses like this: If you want to make NEN act out,'s will in all likelihood even after a ... Well hmpf, Grandad, will always prefer to stay home ... ... unless MK invite us to dinner and Felix (sometimes also for walking) * * ^ ^ rumbling around Tschüßl
Next time: We introduce the local computer club.
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