Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Toront0 Versa Tan Booth For Sale
Hello people. How geehts for example in Germany? There are drenched in sweat at 30 degrees and we have to shower on the 2 times a day because we only go by the back and forth so already! Or just play the didgeridoo ... Although I've read that the weather with you in Germany is so great!
Yes, today is the 3rd Day in Taize ended and it's always easy to First Class super:) hehe, like often again quite a few nice people from Sweden here that we are pretty good at talking in English (nice greeting to home, hehe)
Since we have to work here so whatever, I this time, a very cool work dragged on shore ... I am the Welcome Team at Casa ... because then you have to welcome the new people all morning, so between arriving through. I'm there for the English \\ French and Deutscchsprachigen responsible. Then work for a Swede and an Austrian woman with me and then another fFranzoesin, which is a typical French girl ... We can suffer the first three since the chicht not because something is of caustic ... She tears off everything under denNagel and annoys us totally, because it means the Cheffin be!
yesterday I've been called a welcome from Leipzig, although there was only DThe transit, which is the French girl said job really because I thought it would be better if I German to do with her alss holperdeutsch and so on ... I was definitely VVON totally smitten him, as he is and just the Camino de Santiago or 50 days, started in Leipzig ... so I've probably even forgotten to send it to u the French girl ... well, in any case here's the rest zuuu beautiful as always and I must stop as slow as mine credits will be drawing to a close and I frittered nnot one card ...
Tomorrow I will go to Macon and order my train ticket, so I can go directly from Taize to Paris and then continue to come to Blois ... so still Choen greetings to all ddheim at heart and I will contact the days again ...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
How To Put Bombardier Tundra On Timing
We present 04:03, what a cruel time ... Right now I'm going to vocational school to Menden around my hopefully sunny month in France to compete! First it takes a few days after Taizé, where my head sometimes want to share get back properly and then, as I said, with the still non-existent transport, it goes to Blois, where I take my French supervisor certificate, the so-called ACFA! After a week with Lars and other participants, it is funny to Lille, where we have some nice and quiet (well, not so quietly, with 2 children in the house; D) to make before it is stressful and we again on youth leisure travel!
Yes, I will make me even more ready, and I wish all readers a great July, when I isolated in France sometimes have an Internet connection, I'll update as usual everything possible and notify me ... until then best wishes!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Syphilis Or. Ingrown Hair
It's almost time ... On Sunday the 28th 06. It's finally happening! A month
France, woohooo! First I'll do with my old school station in Taizé, where I'll leave a little earlier, I from 03.07. a youth worker training in the vicinity of Orleans to 12 07. will do. Then I go back to Lars to Lille, where We will make ourselves a couple of nice days and then subsequently at 18.07. Merlimont to go to the youth-to participate.
Yes, the bags are packed almost, just missing some other things. What I have not even thought possible, I even get any work done, I'd hate to end this week ... There are also all very happy!
Thats what I've done so the last few days since my last blog entry ... Eating working, eating, sleeping, resting, working, and now and again! Oh yes, my upcoming trip I have planned for France yet ... At least try! A train ticket in France, I can not get out Germany order ... definitely not what I need, so I start again into the blue and I will be surprised myself what life as in store for me ... in the worst case I have to stop the 40 kilometers from Taizé to the next station to catch a train, so I've already got set for the worst and then I can not do anything! Court I once ...
Today I also added my pain again at work ... so grouting makes absolutely no good in the index finger!
My tent I have also reworked ... After seeing it for practice still had built two times I was still not quite uneasy u

Last weekend had to Elko, Carina and I also have to worship in the school back, because we had participated in the design and planning. So I had my first public appearance with my didgeridoo and again the opportunity to play with my remaining saxophone. However, it was a bit stressful because I am on the eve of the celebration of the 60th-most of my neighbor was but a little too much liquid has flowed, hehe!
This week was so far away still exciting because we had breakfast on Tuesday in the school and get our products have given ... Finally rumprotzen I can even survive with an average of 1.3!! WOHOOO! I got even a book with a dedication provided by our class teacher. The average best of the S-class got the same! Late afternoon, I could then devote all of nature and be one with it. We "Capture the Flag" the second in the youth center Bönen played ... The keep-wood is always sympathetic to me! There were only 2 people there anymore as last time, but always there ... It can make things move!
Yesterday I finally made it then to send my application for study and now it is called again to wait for the letter of admission!
Until then, I get maybe the last pictures from Australia to upload and tinker even further on my site ... I'll also try as much as possible about my activities to keep up to date with what is going so far as France and so on ... Until then, goodbye
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Learning Embroidery Designs On Sarees

This apartment building is centrally located in Kappel . It is in good condition: there is no congestion renovation and it is fully let. Built in 1982, total refurbishment and renovation of the heating system in 2007 / 2008!

Your proposal with detailed description will be emailed if interested.
price CHF 4.472 million.
net yield is currently 4.80%
net return on investment 5.25%
interested in buying contact info@s-plan.eu
Real estate for sale in Swizerland
This multi-family house is situated in the center of Kappel . It is in very good shape: There are no renovations ahead and it´s fully rented out. Year of completion is 1982, complete reconditioning as well as renewal of the heating system in 2007 / 2008!

To get the exposé with detailed description is sent via e-mail.
Price of sale CHF 4.472.000.
net rate of return now 4.80 %
net rate of return possible 5.25 %

Potential buyers contact info@s-plan.eu
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tristar Vacuum Reports
I have plenty of birthday soon.
And as you know, must continue their education's always that knows even Mum. Nevertheless, she wants me to just buy a birthday microscope, which I've heard so many great things: So you want to can make as little creature visible, for example - hold fast to you! - Live in our blood! Can you imagine such a thing? Crazy, I can say is just crazy! Just like mom, incidentally, that I will simply give no microscope, because I "of the chemistry set was not recently received.
Presumably she means that I, since they gave it to me, am just tired badly and totally get out of bed, that I always feel as if I was up all night was on the move, although I can not get out. Also, mysteriously my room each morning in complete chaos turns, although I day Day that I spend here in the office arrest on water and pea soup, keeps him clean up.
Whether mom is behind it somehow? will
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
How To Record Xbox Gamplay Without A Capture Card
My friends,
there are diseases, as may your miracle doctor Hyhnerbain simply do nothing. This includes the tip gout. But to me known specialist in such cases can be found here: http://www.textspotting.de/
This specialist can really help your sick texts.
transfers you draw up sister Hilda.
your Hyhnerbain
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Tin Foil Boats And Pennies
... passes in a flash! Actually I wanted to June, and walk to hiking, but it is now not in the least bit ...
On Saturday, 13.06. I am so with the construction Hagen football squad after Bruay to an international tournament run by the group during the weekend to dolmen chen . At 6 clock it went and then Mareike and I turned up to said time there and have set ourselves in the bus and set off. pick up after a little incident nstopp to our officials, the Lord Demmer, at City Hall, it went dead straight against France. So Fair enough, we had a traffic jam directly in Antwerp ... We had a short window of c
When we compared 15:30 still a hot meal at the camp were we hurried us-after we had found n that we had before the wrong program and had changed the French ado her and are driven to the football field where the two teams directly on their 3 games had a piece
later after a delicious cold buffet and a joyful reunion with old youth-friend (Gaetan) and countless beers, pastis and wines we have with a few companions a composed m camp and yet noticed how small the world really is. An elderly man was but a former vocational school friend of my father and a younger son of another work colleague of my father ...
went there on Sunday after a few hours of sleep even on to the next tournament. The extensive buffet has prompted the construction Hagen boys to their first game to win and worry about the finals in the next game ... This game was pretty excited, because the size difference was still significant and it even came (from a German perspective, even happy) Nine shootout. It was a "bloody German", "Fils de put" and even worse abuses, as wi r yes, the great German nunmal and booed the referees obviously against us. After it was finally dry again, the first game took place in a Rainy Thunderstorm instead of the very finest, we have unfortunately lost on penalties in the first nine and played only for third place.
The boys were annoyed verständlicherweiße because the little Frenchman had already cheated a little, but it did so on the weekend really a priority for the partnership! (Höhö)
The match for third place was even with official referees and we have something booed by and yelled, first in German and when he has not heard, I tried it in French and then it finally worked and he has refereed also time for us what u ns then helped to victory has ...
The trophy was then followed by the current French boxing champion of the French light weight and passed the former coach of Franck Ribery was also present, as well as a team from Boulogne has played. After a final group photo, the bus drivers have also brought us home where we arrived without any traffic jams around two-thirty at night and fell exhausted into bed.
The Monday began a little slower but st, I was totally in the ass, because of the busy weekend - always these nasty drinks, bad s chlimm said bad-After initial difficulties, it went to my 7-hour working period in the youth center. Actually, it was very funny and even the guys there even more to talk with me after I'm with them like a wild running through the forest in Bönen trim you :-). Next Tuesday is the second edition of Capture The Flag-adventure, I'm looking forward hach!
evening we had another meeting of Friends Bruay where Mr. Demmer and I reported on the weekend and I had been labeled sporadically as a new official interpretation of the city Fröndenberg!
Today we had our preliminary meeting for the youth camp in Merlimont. The parents were there and were asked questions and We have been to answer questions. We introduced ourselves and the young people have made the Arts tasty. I'm looking forward to even very particular! At last another 2 weeks at sea in France, according to the previous 3 in the rest of France. The boys and girls look forward to hopefully know ... if not, we shall still have it !!!;-)
Then I built up my new tent in the house ... looked only to the sample and was surprised how annoying it is! Well, maybe it is better to try again in fine weather, if I can tighten the rope on the lawn, hehe ... Taizé because before I should have ever tried, not that I'm there and then nothing baked ;-) get
About the result I will report as soon as possible, up to that beautiful night and day still
Monday, June 15, 2009
How Long Can Ativan Be Detected In Blood
Do not follow the path. Go where there is no path to begin the trail.
Ashanti proverb
It takes courage, strength and conviction to go against the grain. But if someone hadn´t done it, we wouldn´t have wheat bread, chocolate chip ice cream or radios in our cars. It is often difficult to get other people to follow your train of thought. Stop trying. It´s your train. You are the engineer and the conductor. We usually want and need help, support and comfort when we are doing something new. If we do not get it, so what! Does it mean we should stop what we are doing? Absoulutely not! The path to success is paved with road signs, warning symbols and obstructions. But when you start a new trail equipped with courage, strength and conviction, the only thing that can stop you is you.
From: "Acts of Faith - Daily Meditations for People of Color", written by Iyanla Vanzant.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Spider Man Film Suit Replica To Buy
Hello, my friends,
you can not you imagine what happened here is bad. This morning I woke up with a very bad headache in my doll crib. The door was locked and when I shook it, Mom yelled angrily through the door that I now have two weeks highest office arrest. They complained also about the "evil rocker friends," I would have invited home, and have probably all played loud songs and singing along (she said, was somehow a Häwwi-metal song from Danzig: "Mother, tell your children not to walk my way, tell your children not to hear my words, what they mean, what they say ..."). And to me. I play it on my tape recorder just "Mama" by Heintje or, at worst, when I'm really, really angry, "Mama" by Genesis.
What do I now only? In my youth room all the walls are sprayed with graphite, as well as clothes are made of black leather on the ground. Here, my chest that I got at 5 years is totally chopped up and parts are burned on my children's carpet. On my wardrobe hanging pornographic pictures from the penultimate Otto catalog, all women with very provocative overalls! If mom sees that, then I'm dead! My goodness! Are these cigarettes, chewing gum on my desk? I need to immediately clean up, excuse me!
Log In History On Facebook
... of rain, as we were yesterday in the wild forest Voßwinkel. We were, Elke, Carina and Timo with accompaniment and I without, as my company wanted to hide in his "Pasha", in the wild forest, where I wanted to look at the barefoot path. When we had fought for an hour through the rain, it was even really nice! The barefoot path of course we have not found a direct and are the first two tours, though, in Mufftis have (or how the burning ever), Deer, wild boar with horns;) and all sorts of funny animals seen. The wild boar feeding we have noticed and have something of beating around the food, it has only so geschallt Henning Similar Wilschweingrunzern, hehe ... Towards the end we have a barefoot path finally has found and observed. To the story ... I got the job a barefoot or sensory trail plan in the youth center and to build and so I wanted when I was brought up with the idea to me those in the wild forest watch me, to collect ideas and so on-if that happens, expectant I intended to present a documentary report on my side ;-)-... I really wanted to take my nephew, since it's what almost always great finds ... but only if the father is, or at least close ;-), but I wanted to pick him up I've already heard from a distance "ride with Non Majus", then everything was clear for the rest of the day ... I was the only one without accompaniment, D. But it was very funny ... above all the subsequent visit to McDonalds! Who do you see it all again ... to Mr. Miller, for example from high school ... the more muscle now but that's why no hair ... I think fall out with too much muscle training, hehe! And all the checks that make it there always one to Cool ... We have weggeschrien us with laughter, P
On Tuesday we have the youth center "Capture the Flag" wood trim in the Bon you played and it was a complete success of all previous skepticism ... and the young people did not want to catch more and wanted to again and again with the animal running through the woods and stealing flags, heha. We then decided it in 2 weeks to organize once again ... Who does not know us and been to a youth camp knows this was the game called Pirates game ;-) it was cool ... at all inside ... I got the flag both times ;-). But the boys had that pretty on it and even have time to come to know nature a little closer to what has devious two of them directly to the cause of getting lost ... But afterwards we were all safely back at the youth center and were quite frugal viewed by others as we entered with dirty clothes and broken!
Yes, otherwise there is not much to report since I am the rest of the time at work and now finally "fun" have found out my documents for taxes and otherwise to arrange something ... always this pressure of time, hehe. ..
morning at 6:00 it's back by bus to Bruay in France where I'll have time but not quite as much free time, I must interpret the group and those have to say where to go ... let's see if we can find the stadium, where the need to play football.
Yes, and in exactly 16 days, I am on their way to Taizé and am once again a whole month making in France, at work, making progress and on holidays, all mixed colors ...
before but there are still a lot to report ... I have to go the days for example and buy a new tent, I got the last one at the last Taizé ride the bus are allowed, but then it comes back with the woman with Scheppmann to Taizé ... I hope I can abschwatzen it to her again, at least it is now freshly washed ... It was also urgently needed time ... The tent sale will prove to be one hundred percent as a difficult ... I know the advice here at Decathlon now ...
here to go home today from the post ... Graf-Adolf Street of 15 to 22 clock today blocked because any cycle race takes place here and for that I have, who knows here, almost at the stadium parking, what about 500 meters away and I have half my stuff and I will forget lostapern same time u nd get everything so I have the bag for tomorrow get packed ... Then I wish you all a peaceful evening and the days sometimes!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Is It Safe To Use Bleach To Clean Sippy Cups
Flight Simulator X On The Xbox 360 Controller
Now it's (almost) officially ... Today we got our marks from the final exams! Since today I get an asterisk by the company also pinned on the shoulder, as I do without my oral exam school diploma have completed ... missing is the testimony:) As well as the saying goes: "The goat jumps so high they must" I have written worse in all my exams a note, and I am pleased that the preliminary marks already there s
The first picture with my sponsored child No. 2 is already here! Since Uncle Less from Canada since last Whit Monday was I got several nice pictures and weird as it all day nothing else than photos ;-) yes
Yesterday was the christening of godchild No. 1 in Frömer and that was pretty funny! The baptism had been arranged according to the standard exhibition in Frömer and Arsène Basile and fun in the church and one has rumgetanzt babbling and wild and the other had fun with dad angry and Magnus, hehe! Then we still have fun playing soccer and the kids on the trampoline "annoyed". The supplement was again a great opportunity my French, because you at every meeting with the Western Europeans always opens up new words and meanings ... for example, that have the word for a saint and the female breast, and the same pronunciation in French!
then I was still with the devotion of the Taizé in this year's drivers Lendringsen and was amazed at how quickly you but aging! There were almost only people I did not know and where you think that but nothing could have with church and Taizé and to do so ... well, you never know, maybe yes but still funny; P
the rest of last week I once again spent myself falling into unnecessary stress from work, sports, entertainment, and a new browser game ... what would be the only man
;-) But in between I've still managed to start a new book, which is called as "Paulo Coelho ... The Pilgrimage." So this is a book ONLY to a friend ... who have time and wants to deal with spiritual journeys, this book is the place to recommend highly.
The didgeridoo playing now works even better and we see and hear me in our garden from time to time around tubes to attract new species in our garden ... so far it has not yet want as out quite ... That's why I'll try a little further. Right now it's back to the youth center where I am today to find seven hours on Monday and see that young people come to the games;)
Until then, a happy and up for schöi
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Thank You Email For Interviews Subj
time has come - the interview from Africa Outlook to our cooperative concept is now successfully reduced on YOU TUBE:
Link to detail - click here
Saturday, on 6 June 2009 Miss African Queen Germany Wah l we will not stand, but on the tables Info-Flyer to be ausliegen intercultural building communities.
the way, the first have now submitted their form filled out forms and mailing or! When will be your / your form?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Halle Berry Catwomen Haircut
So, in May has already used up his time and the part is already in full swing.
said before, I was on Pentecost in France, rather, in Lille, in my "second family". Actually I wanted to write a bit more there, but the Internet did not work in France ... Therefore, there is a small narration!
On Saturday morning we are down to the volleyball players and badminton the GSF to Bruay, to our sister city, because there is a small tournament of the two sports has taken place. After we had a reunion with old friends from Mesdienerzeit Bruay it came out, the camp of the youth camps in Olhain after Lille where we then have first doused the next reunion :-)-Hach as I love the beer-
I had to show a renegade as a German, but what you can drink in Nord-Pas-de-Calais Going! Picon-Bière is a mixture of beer with a great shot Picon (liqueur), but is actually still have to learn a Stritz lemon syrup I ... You learn never hold out!
Yes, the next day was dan
The park's just something similar to the wild forest Voßwinkel (very roughly Geshen) It has quite a few great things for children and since we can just find a little nature. Or one who simply sprawls in the sun and watch the cricketers such as we to even if you do not only rule of this game really understand ... But it is as dependent and can also enjoy a nice cold cider :-) Otherwise, there are nice themes like dragons gardens, Mediterranean gardens and designed for all children with any Spielivitäten small, not too many animals (otherwise you could anyway to the zoo go to the free in France) and others.
evening, arriving home we went straight on with a remixed bottle Picon-Bière the nearest beer stand (around on foot for 3 / 4 hour) and then a couple of freshly pulled glass of taking himself and prepared then two bottles on the go, back to home!
In France it is also cheaper eh Drinking alcohol than eating ... Cora in the higher (by weight) less than the amount of alcohol Mende lower costs of food!
On Monday we took the bus back to Fröndenberg and this time we were even on time on the bus, not like the first time where we had to hunt with a Peugeot 105 by French roads with roundabouts breaks the bus afterwards to still to come back, hehe
When goodbye, Klaus and I are still talking like it works like this with the interpretation of such a group, I must take the reins in two weeks for the football players in the hand ...
has arrived home to me directly a new pack expected ... My brother and his family, including adopted child number two ;-), and the family of my sister with the funny uncle from Canada had arrived to visit Whit and was drunk again and grilled ... So as the entire last day there, hehe! Good thing I bought after arriving at City Hall no doner kebab, which would have been a waste of money!
Yes, after a few football games and water gun attacks later with my nephew also my godfather and my aunt were added, followed shortly thereafter by my cousin who just goes on holiday in Menden and then we were almost completely ...
ate and drank until we all fell into bed sometime ;-)
In this sense I wish you have a sunny time to the days when there again is something new ...
Monday, June 1, 2009
Detect Pregnany Snot Cervical Mucus
Hello, my dear friends!
mom gave me the dates given a chemistry set with which I can experiment funny. Since everything is in it: a small Bunsen burner, test tubes, potassium permanganate, nitrite, sulfur, sodium, iron powder - makes what so needed to kreiieren a healthy soft drink. So I mixed together some times what I would like to try it once ...
Mmh! It tastes like soap, with the mother I always wash the mouth, if I may say so out of anger Aa. But tell time ... as I am? H U R P H U A h a h a ha! Higher H ä Ä h
UUAAAAAA. Yesssss! ARRRR - what will I? Harhar, much better than before. UAE! What are those horrible clothes? I could throw up, now I can go first and pull off a decent rocker divide. And when I'm on my way, I'm going to look for a kilo of dope and pull the right one. UAA! shit, why do I always twitch like that? BUÄÄÄR! And now nothing like out the window here ...