... passes in a flash! Actually I wanted to June, and walk to hiking, but it is now not in the least bit ...
On Saturday, 13.06. I am so with the construction Hagen football squad after Bruay to an international tournament run by the group during the weekend to dolmen chen . At 6 clock it went and then Mareike and I turned up to said time there and have set ourselves in the bus and set off. pick up after a little incident nstopp to our officials, the Lord Demmer, at City Hall, it went dead straight against France. So Fair enough, we had a traffic jam directly in Antwerp ... We had a short window of c
When we compared 15:30 still a hot meal at the camp were we hurried us-after we had found n that we had before the wrong program and had changed the French ado her and are driven to the football field where the two teams directly on their 3 games had a piece
later after a delicious cold buffet and a joyful reunion with old youth-friend (Gaetan) and countless beers, pastis and wines we have with a few companions a composed m camp and yet noticed how small the world really is. An elderly man was but a former vocational school friend of my father and a younger son of another work colleague of my father ...
went there on Sunday after a few hours of sleep even on to the next tournament. The extensive buffet has prompted the construction Hagen boys to their first game to win and worry about the finals in the next game ... This game was pretty excited, because the size difference was still significant and it even came (from a German perspective, even happy) Nine shootout. It was a "bloody German", "Fils de put" and even worse abuses, as wi r yes, the great German nunmal and booed the referees obviously against us. After it was finally dry again, the first game took place in a Rainy Thunderstorm instead of the very finest, we have unfortunately lost on penalties in the first nine and played only for third place.
The boys were annoyed verständlicherweiße because the little Frenchman had already cheated a little, but it did so on the weekend really a priority for the partnership! (Höhö)
The match for third place was even with official referees and we have something booed by and yelled, first in German and when he has not heard, I tried it in French and then it finally worked and he has refereed also time for us what u ns then helped to victory has ...
The trophy was then followed by the current French boxing champion of the French light weight and passed the former coach of Franck Ribery was also present, as well as a team from Boulogne has played. After a final group photo, the bus drivers have also brought us home where we arrived without any traffic jams around two-thirty at night and fell exhausted into bed.
The Monday began a little slower but st, I was totally in the ass, because of the busy weekend - always these nasty drinks, bad s chlimm said bad-After initial difficulties, it went to my 7-hour working period in the youth center. Actually, it was very funny and even the guys there even more to talk with me after I'm with them like a wild running through the forest in Bönen trim you :-). Next Tuesday is the second edition of Capture The Flag-adventure, I'm looking forward hach!
evening we had another meeting of Friends Bruay where Mr. Demmer and I reported on the weekend and I had been labeled sporadically as a new official interpretation of the city Fröndenberg!
Today we had our preliminary meeting for the youth camp in Merlimont. The parents were there and were asked questions and We have been to answer questions. We introduced ourselves and the young people have made the Arts tasty. I'm looking forward to even very particular! At last another 2 weeks at sea in France, according to the previous 3 in the rest of France. The boys and girls look forward to hopefully know ... if not, we shall still have it !!!;-)
Then I built up my new tent in the house ... looked only to the sample and was surprised how annoying it is! Well, maybe it is better to try again in fine weather, if I can tighten the rope on the lawn, hehe ... Taizé because before I should have ever tried, not that I'm there and then nothing baked ;-) get
About the result I will report as soon as possible, up to that beautiful night and day still
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