So, in May has already used up his time and the part is already in full swing.
said before, I was on Pentecost in France, rather, in Lille, in my "second family". Actually I wanted to write a bit more there, but the Internet did not work in France ... Therefore, there is a small narration!
On Saturday morning we are down to the volleyball players and badminton the GSF to Bruay, to our sister city, because there is a small tournament of the two sports has taken place. After we had a reunion with old friends from Mesdienerzeit Bruay it came out, the camp of the youth camps in Olhain after Lille where we then have first doused the next reunion :-)-Hach as I love the beer-
I had to show a renegade as a German, but what you can drink in Nord-Pas-de-Calais Going! Picon-Bière is a mixture of beer with a great shot Picon (liqueur), but is actually still have to learn a Stritz lemon syrup I ... You learn never hold out!
Yes, the next day was dan
The park's just something similar to the wild forest Voßwinkel (very roughly Geshen) It has quite a few great things for children and since we can just find a little nature. Or one who simply sprawls in the sun and watch the cricketers such as we to even if you do not only rule of this game really understand ... But it is as dependent and can also enjoy a nice cold cider :-) Otherwise, there are nice themes like dragons gardens, Mediterranean gardens and designed for all children with any Spielivitäten small, not too many animals (otherwise you could anyway to the zoo go to the free in France) and others.
evening, arriving home we went straight on with a remixed bottle Picon-Bière the nearest beer stand (around on foot for 3 / 4 hour) and then a couple of freshly pulled glass of taking himself and prepared then two bottles on the go, back to home!
In France it is also cheaper eh Drinking alcohol than eating ... Cora in the higher (by weight) less than the amount of alcohol Mende lower costs of food!
On Monday we took the bus back to Fröndenberg and this time we were even on time on the bus, not like the first time where we had to hunt with a Peugeot 105 by French roads with roundabouts breaks the bus afterwards to still to come back, hehe
When goodbye, Klaus and I are still talking like it works like this with the interpretation of such a group, I must take the reins in two weeks for the football players in the hand ...
has arrived home to me directly a new pack expected ... My brother and his family, including adopted child number two ;-), and the family of my sister with the funny uncle from Canada had arrived to visit Whit and was drunk again and grilled ... So as the entire last day there, hehe! Good thing I bought after arriving at City Hall no doner kebab, which would have been a waste of money!
Yes, after a few football games and water gun attacks later with my nephew also my godfather and my aunt were added, followed shortly thereafter by my cousin who just goes on holiday in Menden and then we were almost completely ...
ate and drank until we all fell into bed sometime ;-)
In this sense I wish you have a sunny time to the days when there again is something new ...
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