Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ust Reconsideration Letter

Moin from Stuttgart - Stuttgart, Germany; P

Huhu! So now they were beating 'faithless tomato' in the dictionary for, so there would probably find a picture of us both - and rightly so. Pretty, we have neglected our blog, for three reasons: 1) laziness, 2) lack of exciting things and 3) it has lost its right to exist unfortunately. Yes, we have again taken root in good old Germany. The story in brief: Stefan got his job through such bad skin problems, he had to look around, according to dermatologist sooner or later for an alternative. He has chosen for studies, which in New Zealand, at least in the field of vehicle technology is not reasonably possible and, of course, for foreigners too expensive is. And since it does not otherwise want to be when first done, we have more or less holterdipolter in December last year packed suitcases and containers again and made us back home. Now he has started in Esslingen near Stuttgart in the summer semester and I am attached. Tadaaa ^ ^ All very little wild, I know * g * Go with the flow ... :) Well that's it then, I still hope that some reports have made you some fun.

Greetings, Claudi


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